
071 – Come Thou Almighty King

1Come, Thou almighty King,Help us Thy name to sing,Help us to praise!Father all glorious,O’er all victorious,Come, and reign over us,Ancient of Days! 2Come, Thou incarnate Word,Gird on Thy mighty sword,Our prayer attend;Come, and Thy people bless,And give Thy Word success;Spirit of holiness,On us descend! 3Come, holy Comforter,Thy sacred witness bear,In this glad hour:Thou who almighty […]

174 – Star of Our Hope

1Star of our hope! He’ll soon appear,The last loud trumpet speaks Him near;Hail Him, all saints, from pole to pole-How welcome to the faithful soul! 2From heaven angelic voices sound:Behold the Lord of glory crowned,Arrayed in majesty divine,And in His highest glories shine. 3The grave yields up its precious trust,Which long has slumbered in the

200 – The Lord Is Coming

1The Lord is coming, let this beThe herald note of jubilee;And when we meet and when we partThe salutation from the heart.Refrain:The Lord is coming, let this beThe herald note of jubilee,The herald note of jubilee. 2The Lord is coming, sound it forthFrom east to west, from south to north;Speed on! Speed on the tidings

209 – That Glorious Day Is Coming

1That glorious day is coming,The hour is hastening on;Its radiant light is nearing,Far brighter than the sun;In yonder clouds of heaven,The Saviour will appear,And gather all His chosen,To meet Him in the air.The saints, then all victoriousWill go to meet their Lord;An earth both bright and glorious,Will then be their reward;And God Himself there reigning,Will

236 – I Love Thee

1I love Thee, I love Thee, I love Thee,my Lord;I love Thee, my Savior, I love Thee, my God.I love Thee, I love Thee, and that Thou dost know;But how much I love Thee my actions will show. 2I’m happy, I’m happy, O, wondrous account!My joys are immortal, I stand on the mount!I gaze on

246 – Worthy, Worthy Is the Lamb

1Worthy, worthy is the Lamb,Worthy, worthy is the Lamb,Worthy, worthy is the Lamb,That was slain. RefrainGlory, hallelujah!Praise Him, hallelujah!Glory, hallelujah!To the Lamb! 2Savior, let Thy kingdom come!Now the power of sin consume;Bring Thy blest millennium,Holy Lamb. 3Thus may weeach moment feel,Love Him, serve Him,praise Him still,Till we all on Zion’s hillSee the Lamb. 246 Category

297 – God Be Merciful to Me

1God, be merciful to me,On Thy grace I rest my plea;Plenteous in compassion Thou,Blot out my transgressions now;Wash me, make me pure within,Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin,Wash me, make me pure within,Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin. 2I am evil, born in sin;Thou desirest truth within.Thou alone my Savior art,Teach Thy wisdom

391 – Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest

1To the world in kindness given;Welcome to this humble breast,As the beaming light from heaven. 2Day of calm and sweet repose,Gently now thy moments run;Balm to soothe our cares and woes,Till our labor here is done. 3Holy day that most we prize,Day of solemn praise and prayer,Day to make the simple wise,O, how great thy

393 – Lord of the Sabbath

1Lord of the Sabbath and its light,I hail Thy hallowed day of rest;It is my weary soul’s delight,The solace of my careworn breast,The solace of my careworn breast. 2O sacred day of peace and joy,Thy hours are ever dear to me;Ne’er may a sinful thought destroyThe holy calm I find in thee,The holy calm I

410 – Thy Broken Body, Gracious Lord

1Thy broken body, gracious Lord,Is shadowed by this broken bread;The wine which in this cup is poured,Points to the blood which Thou hast shed. 2And while we meet together thus,We show that we are one in Thee;Thy precious blood was shed for us,Thy death, O Lord, hast set us free! 3We have one hope that

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