
420 – Jerusalem, My Happy Home

1Jerusalem, my happy home,O how I long for thee!When will my sorrows have an end,The joys when shall I see? 2The walls are all of precious stone,Most glorious to behold;Thy gates are richly set with pearl,Thy streets are paved with gold. 3Thy garden and thy pleasant walksMy study long have been;Such dazzling views by human […]

440 – How Cheering Is the Christian’s Hope

1How cheering is the Christian’s hope,While toiling here below!It bouys us up while this passing throughThis wilderness of woe, 2It bouys us up while this passing throughThis wilderness of woe,It bouys us up while passing throughThis wilderness of woe. 3It points us to a land of rest,Where saints with Christ will reign;Where we shall meet

442 – How Sweet Are the Tidings

1How sweet are the tidings that greet the pilgrim’s ear,As he wanders in exile from home!Soon, soon will the Savior in glory appear,And soon will the kingdom come. RefrainHe’s coming, coming, coming soon I know,Coming back to this earth again;And the weary pilgrims will to glory go,When the Savior comes to reign. 2The mossy old

450 – Beautiful Zion

1Beautiful Zion, built above,Beautiful city that I love,Beautiful gates of pearly white,Beautiful temple, God its light. 2Beautiful trees forever there,Beautiful fruit they always bear,Beautiful rivers gliding by,Beautiful fountains never dry. 3Beautiful crowns on every brow,Beautiful palms the conquerors show,Beautiful robes the ransomed wear,Beautiful all who enter there. Category EARLY ADVENT Author Anon

452 – What Heavenly Music

1What heavenly music steals over the sea!Entrancing the senses like sweet melody!‘Tis the voice of the angels borne soft on the air;For me they are singing; their welcome I hear. 2On the banks of old Jordan, here gazing I stand,And earnestly longing, I stretch forth my hand;Send a convoy of angels, dear Jesus, I pray!Let

594 – Heir of the Kingdom

1Heir of the kingdom, O why dost thou slumber?Why art thou sleeping so near thy blest home?Wake thee, arouse thee, and gird on thine armor,Speed, for the moments are hurrying on. 2Heir of the kingdom, say, why dost thou linger?How canst thou tarry in sight of the prize?Up, and adorn thee, the Savior is coming;Haste

601 – Watchmen, on the Walls of Zion

1Watchmen, on the walls of Zion,What O tell us, of the night?Is the daystar now arising?Will the morn soon greet our sight?O’er your vision Shine there nowsome rays of light?O’er your vision Shine there nowsome rays of light? 2Tell, O tell us, are the landmarksOn our voyage all passed by?Are we nearing now the haven?Can

621 – Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children

1Gracious Father, guard Thy childrenFrom the foe’s destructive power;Save, O save them, Lord, from fallingIn this dark and trying hour.Thou wilt surely prove Thy people,All our graces must be tried;But Thy word illumes our pathway,And in God we still confide. 2We are in the time of waiting;Soon we shall behold our Lord,Wafted far away from

628 – As Jacob With Travel Was Weary

1As Jacob with travel was weary one day,At night on a stone for a pillow he lay;He saw in a vision a ladder so highThat its foot was on earth and its top in the sky. RefrainAlleluia to Jesus who died on the tree,And has raised up a ladder of mercy for me,And has raised

653 – Lead Them, My God, to Thee

1Lead them, my God, to Thee, Lead them to Thee,These children dear of mine, Thou gavest me;O, by Thy love divine, Lead them, my God, to Thee;Lead them, my God, to Thee, Lead them to Thee. 2When earth looks bright and fair, Festive and gay,Let no delusive snare Lure them astray;But from temptation’s power, Lead

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