390 – We Love Thy Sabbath, Lord

1We love Thy Sabbath, Lord,And worship at Thy will;Oh may these hours sweet peace affordAnd deeper faith instill. 2Thine angels sang for joyCreation’s work to see;We too, this day, would raise our heartsIn grateful praise to Thee. 3Praise for Thy wondrous love,That sealed this sacred day,A sign that all may understandWe own Thy sovereign sway. […]

391 – Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest

1To the world in kindness given;Welcome to this humble breast,As the beaming light from heaven. 2Day of calm and sweet repose,Gently now thy moments run;Balm to soothe our cares and woes,Till our labor here is done. 3Holy day that most we prize,Day of solemn praise and prayer,Day to make the simple wise,O, how great thy

392 – Dear Lord, We Come at Set of Sun

1Dear Lord, we come at set of sun,And at Your feet we kneelTo worship You, Creator, King,This day, Your sign and seal. 2Our earthly tasks we lay aside,According to Your Word,To enter now Your holy rest,The Sabbath of the Lord. 3Sweet Sabbath rest, your sacred hoursAre as a golden chainThat reaches back to Eden’s gateAnd

393 – Lord of the Sabbath

1Lord of the Sabbath and its light,I hail Thy hallowed day of rest;It is my weary soul’s delight,The solace of my careworn breast,The solace of my careworn breast. 2O sacred day of peace and joy,Thy hours are ever dear to me;Ne’er may a sinful thought destroyThe holy calm I find in thee,The holy calm I

394 – Far From All Care

1Far from all care we hail the Sabbath morning;O’er waving fields and from the distant seaSwell notes of praise in harmony resoundingAs all creation turns her heart to Thee. 2Though man alone, Lord, of Thy great creationFails now to laud Thee for Thy love and power,Yet still a remnant love Thee and rememberThy holy law

395 – As Birds Unto the Genial Homeland

1As birds unto the genial homeland fly,The winter’s cold and low’ring skies to flee,So seeks my soul Thy gracious presence hereAnd finds, O God, its rest and peace in Thee. 2Here at Thy shrine we leave all vexing care,For get the disappointment, grief and tear,And on the wings of hopeful song and prayerWe rise, and

396 – Lord God, Your Love Has Called Us Here

1Lord God, Your love has called us here,As we, by love, for love were made.Your living likeness still we bearTho’ marred, dishonored, disobeyed.We come, with all our heart and mindYour call to hear, Your love to find. 2We come with self inflicted painsOf broken trust and chosen wrong,Half free, half bound by inner chains,By social

397 – An Upper Room

1An upper room did our Lord prepareFor those loved until the end:And His disciples still gather there,To celebrate their risen Friend. 2And after supper He washed their feet,For service, too, is sacrament.In Him our joy shall be made completeSent out to serve, as He was sent. 3A lasting gift Jesus gave His own:To share His

398 – Bread of the World

1Bread of the world in mercy broken,Wine of the soul in mercy shed,By whom the words of life are spoken,And in whose death our sins are dead; 2Look on the heart by sorrow broken,Look on the tears by sinners shed;And be Thy feast to us the tokenThat by Thy grace our souls are fed. Amen.

399 – Beneath the Forms of Outward Rite

1Beneath the forms of outward riteThy supper, Lord, is spreadIn every quiet upper roomWhere fainting souls are fed. 2The bread is always consecrateWhich men divide with men;And every act of brotherhoodRepeats Thy feast again. 3The blessed cup is only passedTrue memory of Thee,When life anew pours out its wineWith rich sufficiency. 4O Master, through these

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