400 – I Come With Joy

1I come with joy to meet my Lord,Forgiven, loved and free,In awe and wonder to recallHis life laid down for me,His life laid down for me. 2I come with Christians far and nearTo find, as all are fed,Our true community of loveIn Christ’s communion bread,In Christ’s communion bread. 3As Christ breaks bread for us to […]

401 – In Imitation, Lord of Thee

1In imitation, Lord, of Thee,This solemn service we repeat;For Thine example full of grace,Has made this humble duty sweet. 2Renew each sacred spark of love,And vitalize the holy flame;May union strong our hearts uniteWhile this we do in Jesus’ name. 3Our great example Thou shalt be,In washing Thy disciples feet;And as we follow Thy command,Make

402 – By Christ Redeemed

1By Christ redeemed, In Christ restored,We keep the memory adored,And show the death of our dear Lord,Until He come. 2His broken body in our stead is here,In his memorial bread;And so our feeble love is fed,Until He come. 3His fearful drops of agony,His lifeblood shed for us we see;The wine shall tell the mystery,Until He

403 – Let Us Break Bread Together

1Let us break bread together on our knees,let us break bread together on our knees.When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun,O Lord, have mercy on me. 2Let us drink wine together on our knees,let us drink wine together on our knees.When I fall on my knees with my face

404 – Now Let Us From This Table Rise

1Now let us from this table riseRenewed in body, mind, and soul;With Christ we die and live again,His selfless love has made us whole. 2With minds alert, upheld by grace,To spread the word in speech and deed,We follow in the steps of Christ,At one with all in hope and need. 3To fill each human house

405 – O God, Unseen, Yet Ever Near

1O God, unseen, yet ever near,Reveal Thy presence nowWhile we in love that hath no fear,Before Thy glory bow. 2Here may Thy faithful people knowThe blessings of Thy love,The streams that thro’ the dessert flow,The manna from above. 3We come, obedient to Thy WordTo feast on heav’nly food,Our meat, the body of our Lord,Our drink,

406 – Love Consecrates the Humblest Act

1Love consecrates the humblest actAnd haloes mercy’s deeds;It sheds a benediction sweetAnd hallows human needs. 2When in the shadow of the crossChrist knelt and washed the feetOf His disciples, He gave usA sign of love complete. 3Love serves and willing, stoops to serve;What Christ in love so trueHas freely done for one and all,Let us

407 – Sent Forth by God’s Blessing

1Sent forth by God’s blessing,Our true faith confessing,The people of God from His dwelling take leave.The supper is ended.Oh, now be extendedThe fruits of this service in all who believe. 2The seed of His teaching,Receptive souls reaching,Shall blossom in action for God and for all.His grace did invite us,His love shall unite usTo work for

408 – Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor

1Lord, enthroned in heav’nly splendor,First begotten from the dead,You alone, our strong defender,Lifting up Your people’s head.Alleluia, Jesus, true and living Bread! 2Tho’ the lowliest form now veil YouAs of old in Bethlehem,Here as there Your angels hail YouBranch and flow’r of Jesse’s stem.Alleluia, We in worship join with them. 3Paschal Lamb, Your off’ring finishedOnce

409 – Jesus Invites His Saints

1Jesus invites His saintsTo meet around His board,And sup in memory of the deathAnd sufferings of their Lord. 2We take the bread and wineAs emblems of Thy death;Lord, raise our souls above the sign,To feast on Thee by faith. 2Faith eats the bread of life,And drinks the living wine;It looks beyond this scene of strifeUnites

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