Henry Alford

433 – Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand

1Ten thousand times ten thousand,In sparkling raiment bright,The armies of the ransomed saintsThrong up the steeps of light.‘Tis finished, all is finished,Their fight with death and sin.Fling open wide the golden gates,And let the victors in. 2What rush of hallelujahsFills all the earth and sky!The ringing of a thousand harpsProclaims the triumph high.O day for […]

557 – Come, Ye Thankful People

1Come, ye thankful people, come,Raise the song of harvest home;All is safely gathered in,Ere the winter storms begin.God our Maker doth provideFor our wants to be supplied;Come to God’s own temple, come;Raise the song of harvest home! 2We ourselves are God’s own field,Fruit unto His praise to yield;Wheat and tares together sown,Unto joy or sorrow

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