Robert Bridges

005 – All My Hope on God Is Founded

1All my hope on God is founded;He doth still my trust renew.Me through change and chance He guideth,Only good and only true.God unknown, He aloneCalls my heart to be His own. 2Pride of man and earthly glory,Sword and crown betray his trust;What with care and toil he buildeth,Tower and temple fall to dust.But God’s power, […]

054 – O Gladsome Light

1O gladsome light,Of God the Father’s face,The eternal splendour wearing;Celestial, holy, blest,Our Saviour, Jesus Christ,Joyful in Thine appearing. 2Now e’er day fadeth quite,We see the evening light,Our wonted hymn outpouring;Father of might unknown,Thee His incarnate Son,And Holy Spirit adoring. 3To Thee of right belongsAll praise of holy songs,O Son of God, life giver;Thee, therefore, O

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