090 – Eternal God, Whose Power Upholds

1Eternal God, whose power upholds Both flower and flaming star,To whom there is no here nor there, No time, no near nor far,No alien race, no foreign shore, No child unsought, unknown:O send us forth, Your prophets true, To make all lands Your own! 2O God of truth, whom science seeks And reverent souls adore,Illumine […]

091 – Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones

1Ye watchers and ye holy ones,Bright seraphs, cherubim and thrones,Raise the glad strain, Alleluia!Cry out, dominions, princedoms, powers,Virtues, archangels, angels’ choirs: RefrainAlleluia! Alleluia!Alleluia! Alleluia!Alleluia! 2O higher than the cherubim,More glorious than the seraphim,Lead their praises, Alleluia!Thou bearer of th’eternal Word,Most gracious, magnify the Lord. 3O friends, in gladness let us sing,Supernal anthems echoing,Alleluia! Alleluia!To God

092 – This Is My Father’s World

1This is my Father’s world,and to my listening earsall nature sings, and round me ringsthe music of the spheres.This is my Father’s world:I rest me in the thoughtof rocks and trees, of skies and seas;his hand the wonders wrought. 2This is my Father’s world,the birds their carols raise,the morning light, the lily white,declare their maker’s

093 – All Things Bright and Beautiful

RefrainAll things bright and beautifulAll creatures great and smallAll things wise and wonderfulThe Lord God made them all. 1Each little flow’r that opensEach little bird that singsHe made their glowing coloursHe made their tiny wings. 2The purple-headed mountainThe river running byThe sunset and the morningThat brighten up the sky. 3The cold wind in the winterThe

094 – Nature With Open Volume Stands

1Nature with open volume stands,To spread its Maker’s praise abroad;And every labor of His handsShows something worthy of our God. 2But in the grace that rescued usHis brightest form of glory shines;‘Tis fairest drawn upon the crossIn precious blood and crimson lines. 3Here His whole name appears complete.Nor wit can guess, nor reason prove,Which of

095 – Spring Has Now Unwrapped the Flowers

1Spring has now unwrapped the flowers,Day is fast reviving,Life in all her growing powersTowards the light is striving:Gone the iron touch of cold,Winter time and frost time,Seedlings, working through the mould,Now make up for lost time. 2Herb and plant that winter long,Slumbered at their leisurek,Now be stirring, green and strong,Find in growth their pleasure:All the

096 – The Spacious Firmament

1The spacious firmament on high,With all the blue, ethereal sky,And spangled heavens, a shining frame,Their great Original proclaim.Th’unwearied sun from day to dayDoes his Creator’s power display,And publishes to every landThe work of an almighty hand 2Soon as the evening shades prevail,The moon takes up the wondrous tale;And nightly to the listening earthRepeats the story

097 – Lord of the Boundless Curves of Space

1Lord of the boundless curves of spaceAnd time’s deep mystery,To Your creative might we traceAll nature’s energy. 2Your mind conceived the galaxy,Each atom’s secret planned,And every age of historyYour purpose, Lord, has spanned. 3Yours is the image stamped on man,Though marred by man’s own sin;And Yours the liberating planAgain his soul to win. 4Give us

098 – Can You Count the Stars

1Can you count the stars that brightlyTwinkle in the midnight sky?Can you count the clouds, so lightlyO’er the meadows floating by?God, the Lord, doth mark their numberWith His eyes that never slumber;He hath made them every one,He hath made them every one. 2Can you count the wings now flashingIn the sunshine’s golden light?Can you count

099 – God Will Take Care of You

1Be not dismayed whate’er betide,God will take care of you;beneath his wings of love abide,God will take care of you. RefrainGod will take care of you,through every day, o’er all the way;he will take care of you,God will take care of you. 2Through days of toil when heart doth fail,God will take care of you;when

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