200 – The Lord Is Coming

1The Lord is coming, let this beThe herald note of jubilee;And when we meet and when we partThe salutation from the heart.Refrain:The Lord is coming, let this beThe herald note of jubilee,The herald note of jubilee. 2The Lord is coming, sound it forthFrom east to west, from south to north;Speed on! Speed on the tidings […]

201 – Christ Is Coming

1Christ is coming! let creationBid her groans and travail cease;Let the glorious proclamationHope restore and faith increase;Christ is coming! Christ is coming!Come, Thou blessed Prince of Peace!(Prince of Peace!)Come, Thou blessed Prince of Peace! 2Earth can now but tell the storyOf Thy bitter cross and pain;She shall yet behold Thy gloryWhen Thou comest back to

202 – Hail Him the King of Glory

1Tell it to every kindred and nation,Tell it far and near;Earth’s darkest night will fade with the dawning,Jesus will soon appear. RefrainHail Him the King of glory,Once the Lamb for sinners slain;Tell, tell the wondrous story,“Jesus comes to reign.” 2Nations again in strife and commotion,Warnings by the way;Signs in the heavens, unerring omens,Herald the glorious

203 – This Is the Threefold Truth

1This is the threefold truthOn which our faith depends;And with this joyful cryWorship begins and ends;Refrain:Christ has died!Christ is risen!Christ will come again! 2By this we are upheldWhen doubt and grief assailsOur Christian fortitude,And only grace avails.Refrain:Christ has died!Christ is risen!Christ will come again! 3This is the threefold truthWhich, if we hold it fast,Changes the

204 – Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

1Come, thou long expected Jesus!born to set thy people free;from our fears and sins release us,let us find our rest in thee.Israel’s strength and consolation,hope of all the earth thou art;dear desire of every nation,joy of every longing heart. 2Born thy people to deliver,born a child and yet a King,born to reign in us forever,now

205 – Gleams of the Golden Morning

1The golden morning is fast approaching;Jesus soon will comeTo take his faithful and happy childrento their promised home RefrainO, we see the gleams of the golden morningpiercing thro’ this night of gloom!O, see the gleams of the golden morningthat will burst the tomb. 2The gospel summons will soon be carriedto the nations round;The Bridegroom then

206 – Face to Face

1Face to face with Christ my Savior,Face to face, what will it be,When with rapture I behold Him,Jesus Christ, who died for me? RefrainFace to face shall I behold Him,Far beyond the starry sky;Face to face in all His gloryI shall see Him by and by! 2Only faintly now I see Him,With the darkening veil

207 – It May Be at Morn

1It may be at morn, when the day is awaking,When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking,That Jesus will come in the fullness of gloryTo receive from the world His own. RefrainO Lord Jesus, how long, how longEre we shout the glad song?Christ returneth, Hallelujah!Hallelujah! Amen, Hallelujah! Amen. 2It may be at midday, it may

208 – There’ll Be No Dark Valley

1There’ll be no dark valleys when Jesus comes,There’ll be no dark valleys when Jesus comes,There’ll be no dark valleys when Jesus comes,To gather His loved ones home. RefrainTo gather His loved ones home,To gather His loved ones home.There’ll be no dark valleys when Jesus comes,To gather His loved ones home. 2There’ll be no more sorrow

209 – That Glorious Day Is Coming

1That glorious day is coming,The hour is hastening on;Its radiant light is nearing,Far brighter than the sun;In yonder clouds of heaven,The Saviour will appear,And gather all His chosen,To meet Him in the air.The saints, then all victoriousWill go to meet their Lord;An earth both bright and glorious,Will then be their reward;And God Himself there reigning,Will

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