210 – Wake, Awake for the Night Is Flying

1Wake, awake, for night is flying,The watchmen on the heights are crying,Awake, Jerusalem, arise!Midnight’s solemn hour is tolling,His chariot wheels are nearer rolling,He comes; prepare, ye virgins wise.Rise up with willing feetGo forth, the Bridegroom meet; Alleluia!Bear through the night your well-trimmed light,Speed forth to join the marriage rite. 2Zion hears the watchmen singing,Her heart […]

211 – Lo! He Comes

1Lo! He comes, with clouds descending,Once for favored sinners slain;Countless angels, Him attending,Swell the triumph of His train:Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Jesus comes, and comes to reign. 2Every eye shall now behold HimRobed in dreadful majesty!Those who set at nought and sold Him,Pierced, and nailed Him to the tree,Deeply wailing, Deeply wailing,Shall the true Mesiah see! 3When the

212 – ‘Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come

1’Tis almost time for the Lord to come,I hear the people say;The stars of heaven are growing dim,It must be the breaking of the day. RefrainO it must be the breaking of the day!O it must be the breaking of the day!The night is almost gone,The day is coming on;O it must be the breaking

213 – Jesus Is Coming Again

1Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring:Jesus is coming again!Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing:Jesus is coming again! RefrainComing again, coming again,Jesus is coming again! 2Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains:Jesus is coming again!Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain;Jesus is coming again! 3Heavings of earth, tell the vast,

214 – We Have This Hope

1We have this hope that burns within our heart,Hope in the coming of the Lord.We have this faith that Christ alone imparts,Faith in the promise of His Word.We believe the time is here,When the nations far and nearShall awake, and shout and singHallelujah! Christ is King!We have this hope that burns within our heart,Hope in

215 – The King Shall Come

1The King shall come when morning dawnsAnd light triumphant breaks,When beauty gilds the eastern hillsAnd life to joy awakes. 2Not as of old a little child,To bear and fight and die,But crowned with glory like the sunThat lights the morning sky. 3O, brighter than that rising mornWhen Christ, victorious, roseAnd left the lonesome place death,Despite

216 – When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder

1When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound,and time shall be no more,And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair;When the saved of earth shall gatherover on the other shore,And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. RefrainWhen the roll is called up yonder,When the roll is called up yonder,When the roll is

217 – The Church Has Waited Long

1The church has waited longHer absent Lord to see;And still in loneliness she waits,A friendless stranger she. 2How long, O Lord our God,Holy and true and good,Wilt Thou not judge Thy suffering church,Her sighs and tears and blood? 3We long to hear Thy voice,To see Thee face to face,To share Thy crown and glory then,As

218 – When He Cometh

1When He cometh, when He comethTo make up His jewels,All His jewels, precious jewels,His loved and His own. RefrainLike the stars of the morning,His brightness adorning,They shall shine in their beauty,Bright gems for His crown. 2He will gather, He will gatherThe gems for His kingdom;All the pure ones, all the bright ones,His loved and His

219 – When Jesus Comes in Glory

1When Jesus comes in glory,As Lord and King of kings,O what a wondrous storyThe blessed Bible brings:His face will shine like the sunlight,His head be white as snow,His eyes like flaming firelight,His feet like brass aglow. 2His voice like rushing watersWill reach with mighty soundInto the deepest quartersOf all creation round;And at this wondrous greetingThe

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