270 – O Holy Dove of God Descending

1O holy Dove of God descending,You are the love that knows no ending.All of our shattered dreams You’re mending:Spirit, now live in me. 2O holy Wind of God now blowing,You are the seed that God us sowing.You are the life that starts us growing:Spirit, now live in me. 3O holy Rain of God now falling,You […]

271 – Break Thou the Bread of Life

1Break thou the bread of life, dear Lord, to me,as thou didst break the loaves beside the sea;beyond the sacred page I seek thee, Lord;my spirit pants for thee, O Living Word! 2Bless thou the truth, dear Lord, to me, to me,as thou didst bless the bread by Galilee;then shall all bondage cease, all fetters

272 – Give Me the Bible

1Give me the Bible,star of gladness gleaming,To cheer the wandererlone and tempest tossed,No storm can hide thatpeaceful radiance beamingSince Jesus cameto seek and save the lost. RefrainGive me the Bible–holy message shining,Thy light shall guide mein the narrow way.Precept and promise,law and love combining,‘Til night shall vanishin eternal day. 2Give me the Biblewhen my heart

273 – Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice

1Lord, I have made Thy word my choice,My lasting heritage;There shall my noblest powers rejoice,My warmest thoughts engage. 2I’ll read the histories of Thy love,And keep Thy laws in sight;While through Thy promises I rove,With ever fresh delight. 3In this broad land of wealth unknown,Where springs of life arise,Seeds of immortal bliss are sown,And hidden

274 – O Word of God Incarnate

1O Word of God incarnate,O Wisdom from on high,O Truth unchanged, unchanging,O Light of our dark sky:we praise you for the radiancethat from the hallowed page,a lantern to our footsteps,shines on from age to age. 2The church from her dear Masterreceived the gift divine,and still that light is liftedo’er all the earth to shine.It is

275 – O God of Light

1O God of light, Your Word, a lamp unfailing,Shall pierce the darkness of our earthbound wayAnd show Your grace,Your plan for us unveiling,And guide our footsteps to the perfect day. 2From days of old, through blind and willful ages,Though we rebelled, You gently sought again,And spoke through saints,Apostles, prophets, sages,Who wrote with eager or reluctant

276 – Thanks to God

1Thanks to God whose Word was spokenIn the deed that made the earth.His the voice that called a nation;His the fires that tried her worth.God has spoken;Praise Him For His open Word 2Thanks to God whose Word incarnateGlorified the flesh of man.Deeds and words and death and risingTell the grace in heaven’s plan.God has spoken;Praise

277 – For Your Holy Book We Thank You

1For Your holy book we thank You,And for all who served You well,Writing, guarding, and translating,That its pages might forth tellYour strong love and tender careFor Your people everywhere. 2For Your holy book we thank You,And for those who work today,That the people of all nations,Reading it and following mayKnow Your love and tender careFor

278 – Lord Jesus, Once You Spoke to Men

1Lord Jesus, once You spoke to menUpon the mountain and the plain,O help us listen now as thenAnd wonder at Your words again. 2We all have secret fears to face,Our minds and motives to amend.We seek Your truth,We need your grace,Our living Lord and present friend. 3The gospel speaks; and we receiveYour light, Your love,Your

279 – Only Trust Him

1Come, every soul by sin oppressed,There’s mercy with the Lord,And He will surely give you rest,By trusting in His word. RefrainOnly trust Him, only trust Him,Only trust Him now;He will save you, He will save you,He will save you now. 2For Jesus shed his precious bloodRich blessings to bestow;Plunge now into the crimson floodThat washes

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