020 – O Praise Ye the Lord

1O praise ye the Lord!Praise Him in the height;Rejoice in His word,Ye angels of light;Ye heavens, adore HimBy whom ye were made,And worship before Him,In brightness arrayed. 2O praise ye the Lord!Praise Him upon earth,In tuneful accord:Ye sons of new birth;Praise Him who hath broughtyou His grace from above,Praise Him who hath taughtyou To sing […]

021 – Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

1Immortal, invisible, God only wise,In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,Almighty, victorious, Thy great Name we praise. 2Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might;Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring aboveThy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love. 3To all, life Thou

022 – God Is Our Song

1God is our Song, and every singer blestWho praising Him finds energy and rest.All who praise God with unaffected joyGive back to us the widom we destroy,Give back to us the widom we destroy. 2God is our Song, for Jesus comes to save;While praising Him we offer all we have.New songs we sing, in ventures

023 – Now the Joyful Bells A-Ringing

1Now the joyful bells a-ring,All ye mountains of the Lord!Lift our hearts like birds a-winging,All ye mountains, praise the Lord!Now our festal season bringingKinsmen all to bide and board,Sets our cheery voices singing;All ye mountains, praise the Lord! 2Dear our home as dear none other;Where the mountains praise the Lord!Gladly here our care we smother;Where

024 – Every Star Shall Sing a Carol

1Every star shall sing a carol;Every creatures, high or low,Come and praise the King of heavenBy whatever name you know.God above, Man below,Holy is the name I know. 2When the King of all creationHad a cradle on the earth,Holy was the human body,Holy was the human birth.God above, Man below,Holy is the name I know.

025 – Praise the Lord His Glories Show

1Praise the Lord, His glories show, Alleluia!Saints within His courts below, Alleluia!Angels ’round His throne above, Alleluia!All that see and share His love, Alleluia! 2Earth to heaven and heaven to earth, Alleluia!Tell His wonders, sing His worth, Alleluia!Age to age and shore to shore, Alleluia!Praise Him, praise Him evermore! Alleluia! 3Praise the Lord, His mercies

026 – Praise the Lord! You Heavens Adore Him

1Praise the Lord! you heavens, adore Him;Praise Him, angels in the height;Sun and moon, rejoice before Him,Praise Him, all you stars of light.Praise the Lord, for He has spoken;World His mighty voice obeyed;Laws which never shall be brokenFor their guidance He has made. 2Praise the Lord! for He is glorious;Never shall HIs promise fail.God has

027 – Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart!

1Rejoice ye pure in heart!Rejoice, give thanks, and sing;Your festal banner wave on high,The cross of Christ your King. RefrainRejoice, rejoice, rejoice,Give thanks and sing. 2With voice as full and strongAs ocean’s surging praise,Send forth the sturdy hymns of old,The psalms of ancient days. 3With all the angel choirs,With all the saints of earth,Pour out

028 – Praise We the Lord

1Praise we the Lord, who made all beautyFor all our senses to enjoy;Owe we our humble thanks and dutyThat simple pleasures never cloy;Praise we the Lord, who made all beautyFor all our senses to enjoy. 2Praise Him who loves to see young lovers,Fresh hearts that swell with youthful pride;Thank Him who sends the sun above

029 – Sing Praise to God

1Sing praise to God who reigns above,the God of all creation,the God of power, the God of love,the God of our salvation.With healing balm my soul He fills,and every faithless murmur stills;To God all praise and glory! 2What God’s almighty power hath madeHis gracious mercy keepeth;By morning glow or evening shade,His watchful eye ne’er sleepeth,Within

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