290 – Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

1O soul, are you weary and troubled?No light in the darkness you see?There’s light for a look at the Savior,And life more abundant and free! RefrainTurn your eyes upon Jesus,Look full in His wonderful face,And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,In the light of His glory and grace. 2Through death into life everlastingHe […]

291 – We Have Not Known Thee

1We have not known Thee as we ought,Nor learned Thy wisdom, grace, and power;The things of earth have filed our thoughts,And trifles of the passing hour.Lord, give us light Thy truth to see,And make us wise in knowing Thee. 2We have not feared Thee as we ought,Nor bowed beneath Thine awful eye,Nor guarded deed, and

292 – Jesus, I Come

1Out of my bondage, sorrow and night,Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;Into Thy freedom, gladness and light,Jesus, I come to Thee;Out of my sickness into Thy health,Out of my want and into Thy wealth,Out of my sin and into Thyself,Jesus, I come to Thee. 2Out of my shameful failure and loss,Jesus, I come, Jesus, I

293 – Heavenly Father, Bless Us Now

1Heavenly Father, bless us now;At the cross of Christ we bow;Take our guilt and grief away;Hear and heal us now, we pray. 2Now, O Lord, this very hour,Send Thy grace and show Thy power;While we rest upon Thy word,Come, and bless us now, O Lord! 3Mercy now, O Lord, we pleadIn this hour of utter

294 – Power in the Blood

1Would you be free from the burden of sin?There’s pow’r in the blood, pow’r in the blood;Would you o’er evil a victory win?There’s wonderful power in the blood. RefrainThere is pow’r, pow’r, wonder working pow’rIn the blood of the Lamb;There is pow’r, pow’r, wonder working pow’rIn the precious blood of the Lamb. 2Would be free

295 – Chief of Sinners

1Chief of sinners though I be,Jesus shed His blood for me;Died that I might live on high,Died that I might never die;As the brance is to the vine,I am His, and He is mine. 2O the height of Jesus’ love!Higher than the heaven above,Deeper than the deepest sea,Lasting as eternity;Love that found me-wondrous thought!Found me

296 – Lord, I’m Coming Home

1I’ve wandered far away from God,Now I’m coming home;The paths of sin too long I’ve trod;Lord, I’m coming home. RefrainComing home, coming homeNever more to roam;Open wide Thine arms of love;Lord I’m coming home. 2I’ve wasted many precious years,Now I’m coming home;I now repent with bitter tears;Lord, I’m coming home. 3I’m tired of sin and

297 – God Be Merciful to Me

1God, be merciful to me,On Thy grace I rest my plea;Plenteous in compassion Thou,Blot out my transgressions now;Wash me, make me pure within,Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin,Wash me, make me pure within,Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin. 2I am evil, born in sin;Thou desirest truth within.Thou alone my Savior art,Teach Thy wisdom

298 – I Lay My Sins on Jesus

1I lay my sins on Jesus,The spotless Lamb of God;He bears them all, and frees usFrom the accursed load,From the accursed load. 2I bring my guilt to Jesus,To wash my crimson stainsWhite in His blood most preciousTill not a stain remains,Till not a stain remains. 3I lay my wants on Jesus,All fullness dwells in Him;He

299 – Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive

1“Forgive our sins as we forgive,”You taught us, Lord, to pray;But You alone can grant us graceTo live the words we say. 2How can Your pardon reach and blessThe unforgiving heartThat broods on wrongs and will not letOld bitterness depart? 3In blazing light Your cross revealsThe truth we dimly knew:How trifling others’ debts to us;How

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