340 – Jesus Saves

1We have heard a joyful sound,Jesus saves, Jesus saves;Spread the gladness all around,Jesus saves, Jesus saves;Bear the news to every land,Climb the steeps and cross the waves,Onward, ’tis our Lord’s command,Jesus saves, Jesus saves. 2Waft it on the rolling tide,Jesus saves, Jesus saves;Tell to sinners, far and wide,Jesus saves, Jesus saves;Sing, ye islands of the […]

341 – To God Be the Glory

1To God be the glory, great things he hath done!So loved he the world that he gave us his Son,who yielded his life an atonement for sin,and opened the lifegate that all may go in. RefrainPraise the Lord, praise the Lord,let the earth hear his voice!Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,let the people rejoice!O come

342 – Is This a Day of New Beginnings

1Is this a day of new beginnings,Time to remember and move on,Time too believe what love is bringing,Laying to rest the pain that’s gone? 2How can the seasons of a planetMindlessly spinning round its sunWith just a human name and numberSay that some new thing has begun? 3Yet through the life and death of JesusLove’s

343 – I Will Sing of My Redeemer

1I will sing of my Redeemer,And His wondrous love to me;On the cruel cross He suffered,From the curse to set me free. RefrainSing, oh sing, of my Redeemer,With His blood, He purchased me.On the cross, He sealed my pardon,Paid the debt, and made me free. 2I will tell the wondrous story,How my lost estate to

344 – I Love Your Kingdom, Lord

1I love thy kingdom, Lord,the house of thine abode,the church our blest Redeemer savedwith his own precious blood. 2I love thy church, O God!Her walls before thee standdear as the apple of thine eye,and graven on thy hand. 3Beyond my highest joyI prize her heavenly ways,her sweet communion, solemn vows,her hymns of love and praise.

345 – Christ Is the World’s True Light

1Christ is the world’s true light,Its captain of salvation,The daystar clear and brightOf every man and nation;New life, new hope awakesWhere’er men own His sway:Freedom her bondage breaks,And night is turned to day. 2In Christ all races meet,Their ancient feuds forgeting,The whole round world complete,From sunrise to its setting:When Christ is throned as Lord,Men shall

346 – Lord, Who Dost Give to Thy Church

1Lord, who dost give to Thy church for its healingGifts, and the grace to sustain and renew,Hear as we pray that today and each morrowWe to Thy purpose may show ourselves true. 2Clear be the voices of preachers and prophetsFearlessly speaking the word of the Lord,Word of redemption thro‘ God’s Son incarnate,Blessing for cursing, and

347 – Built on the Rock

1Built on the Rock the Church shall stand,Even when steeples are falling;Crumbled have spires in every land,Bells still are chiming and callingCalling the young and old to rest,Calling the souls of those distressed,Longing for life everlasting. 2Not in our temples made with handsGod, the Almighty, is dwelling;High in the heav’ns His temple stands,All earthly temples

348 – The Church Has One Foundation

1The church’s one foundationis Jesus Christ her Lord;she is his new creationby water and the Word.From heaven he came and sought herto be his holy bride;with his own blood he bought her,and for her life he died. 2Elect from every nation,yet one o’er all the earth;her charter of salvation,one Lord, one faith, one birth;one holy

349 – God is Love

1Here in Christ we gather, love of Christ our calling.Christ, our love, is with us, gladness be His greeting.Let us fear Him, yes, and love Him, God eternal.Loving Him, let each love Christ in all his brethren. Refrain:God is love, and where true love isGod Himself is there. 2When we Christians gather, members of one

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