350 – Blest Be the Tie That Binds

1Blest be the tie that bindsour hearts in Christian love;the fellowship of kindred mindsis like to that above. 2Before our Father’s thronewe pour our ardent prayers;our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,our comforts and our cares. 3We share each other’s woes,our mutual burdens bear;and often for each other flowsthe sympathizing tear. 4When we asunder […]

351 – Thy Hand, O God Has Guided

1Thy hand, O God, has guidedThy flock from age to age;The wondrous tale is writtenFull clear on every page;Our fathers owned Thy goodness,And we their deeds record;And both of this bear witness,One church, one faith, one Lord. 2Thy heralds brought glad tidingsTo greatest as to least;They bade men rise and hastenTo share the great King’s

352 – This Is My Will

1This is My will, My one command,That love should dwell among you all.This is My will that you should loveAs I have shown that I love you. 2No greater love a man can haveThan that he die to save his friends.You are My friends if you obeyWhat I command that you should do. 3You chose

353 – Father, Help Your People

1Father, help Your people in this world to buildSomething of Your kingdom and to do Your will,Lead us to discover partnership in love;Bless our ways of sharing and our pride remove. 2Lord of desk and altar, bind our lives in one,That in work and worship love may set the tone.Give us grace to listen, clarity

354 – Thy Love, O God

1Thy love, O God, has all mankind created,And led Thy people to this present hour;In Christ we see life’s glory consummated;Thy Spirit manifests His living power. 2From out the darkness of our hope’s frustration,From all the broken idols of our pride,We turn to seek Thy truth’s illumination,And find Thy mercy waiting at our side. 3In

355 – Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life

1Where cross the crowded ways of life,where sound the cries of race and clan,above the noise of selfish strife,we hear your voice, O Son of Man. 2From tender childhood’s helplessness,from woman’s grief, man’s burdened toil,from famished souls, from sorrow’s stress,your heart has never known recoil. 3The cup of water given for you stillholds the freshness

356 – All Who Love and Serve Your City

1All who love and serve your city,All who bear its daily stress,All who cry for peace and justice,All who curse and all who bless. 2In your day of loss and sorrow,In your day of helpless strife,Honor, peace, and love retreating,Seek the Lord, who is your life. 3For all days are days of judgment,And the Lord

357 – Come, Labor On

1Come, labor on.Who dares stand idle on the harvest plainWhile all around him waves the golden grain?And to each servant does the Master say,“Go work today.” 2Come, labor on.Claim the high calling angels cannot share;To young and old the gospel gladness bear;Redeem the time; its hours too swiftly fly.The night draws nigh. 3Come, labor on.No

358 – Far and Near the Fields Are Teeming

1Far and near the fields are teemingwith the sheaves of ripened grain;Far and near their gold is gleamingO’er the summy slope and plain. RefrainLord of harvest, send forth reapers!Hear us Lord,to Thee we cry;Send them now the sheaves to gather,Ere the harvest-time pass by. 2Send them forth with morn’s first beaming,Send them in the noon-tides’s

359 – Hark! the Voice of Jesus Calling

1Hark! the voice of Jesus calling,“Who will go and work today?Fields are white, the harvest waiting,Who will bear the sheaves away?”Loud and long the Master calleth,Rich reward He offers free;Who will answer, gladly saying,“Here am I, O Lord, send me”? 2If you cannot cross the oceanAnd the heathen lands explore,You can find the heathen nearer,You

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