370 – Christ for the World

1Christ for the world we sing,the world to Christ we bring,with loving zeal;the poor, and them that mourn,the faint and overborne,sinsick and sorrow-worn,whom Christ doth heal. 2Christ for the world we sing,the world to Christ we bring,with fervent prayer;the wayward and the lost,by restless passions tossed,redeemed at countless cost,from dark despair. 3Christ for the world […]

371 – Lift Him Up

1Lift Him up, ’tis He that bids you,Let the dying look and live;To all weary, thirsting sinners,Living waters will He give;And though once so meek and lowly,Yet the Prince of heaven was He;And the blind, who grope in darkness,Through the blood of Christ shall see. RefrainLift Him up, the risen Savior,High amid the waiting throng;Lift

372 – How Beauteous Are Their Feet

1How beauteous are their feetWho stand on Zion’s hill;Who bring salvation on their tongues,And words of peace reveal! 2How charming is their voice,So sweet the tidings are:“Zion, behold thy Savior King;He reigns and triumphs here!” 3How happy are our ears,That hear the joyful soundWhich kings and prophets waited for,And sought, but never found! 4How blessed

373 – Seeking the Lost

1Seeking the lost, yes, kindly entreatingWanderers on the mountain astray;“Come unto Me,” His message repeating,Words of the Master speaking today. RefrainGoing afar (going afar)Upon the mountain (upon the mountain)Bringing the wanderer back again, back again,Into the fold (into the fold)Of my Redeemer (of my Redeemer)Jesus the Lamb for sinners slain, for sinners slain. 2Seeking the

374 – Jesus, With Thy Church Abide

1Jesus, with Thy church abide;Be her Savior, Lord, and Guide,While on earth her faith is tried:We beseech Thee, hear us. 2May her voice be ever clear,Warning of a judgment near,Telling of a Savior dear:We beseech Thee, hear us. 3May she guide the poor and blind,Seek the lost until she find,And the broken hearted bind:We beseech

375 – Work, for the Night Is Coming

1Work for the night is coming,Work through the morning hours;Work while the dew is sparkling;Work ‘mid springing flow’rs.Work when the day grows brighter,Work in the glowing sun;Work for the night is coming,When man’s work is done. 2Work for the night is coming,Work thro’ the sunny noon;Fill brightest hours with labor,Rest comes sure and soon.Give every

376 – All Things Are Thine

1All things are Thine; no gift have we,Lord of all gifts, to offer Thee;And hence with grateful hearts today,Thine own before Thy feet we lay. 2Thy will was in the builder’s thought;Thy hand unseen amidst us wrought;Thro’ mortal motive, scheme and plan,Thy wise, eternal purpose ran. 3No lack Thy perfect fullness knew;For human needs and

377 – Go Forth, Go Forth With Christ

1Go forth, go forth with Christ,Who called you to this day,He who has led, will leadAnd keep you in His way:His word is fast, His promise sureTo all who serve Him and endure. 2Go forth, go forth with Christ,With purpose not your own,Each vict’ry you shall gainThrough Him your Lord alone:To guard you in fidelityHis

378 – Go, Preach My Gospel

1“Go, preach My gospel,” saith the Lord;“Bid the whole world My grace receive;He shall be saved who trusts My word,And they condemned who disbelieve. 2“I’ll make your great commission known,And ye shall prove My gospel trueBy all the works that I have done,By all the wonders ye shall do. 3“Teach all the nations My commands;I’m

379 – We Give This Child to You

1We give this child to You,Our precious gift of love.Help us to lead each step arightWith guidance from above. 2O bless each child of Yours,And grant when they are grown,They will have learned to love Your way,And choose it for their own. 3We give ourselves to You,And may Your Spirit fillOur hearts and home, that

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