420 – Jerusalem, My Happy Home

1Jerusalem, my happy home,O how I long for thee!When will my sorrows have an end,The joys when shall I see? 2The walls are all of precious stone,Most glorious to behold;Thy gates are richly set with pearl,Thy streets are paved with gold. 3Thy garden and thy pleasant walksMy study long have been;Such dazzling views by human […]

421 – For All the Saints

1For all the saintswho from their labors rest,Who thee by faithbefore the world confessed.Thy name, O Jesus,be forever blest.Alleluia!Alleluia! 2Thou wast their Rock,their Fortress and their Might;Thou, Lord, their captainin the well-fought fight;Thou, in the darkness drear,their one true light.Alleluia!Alleluia! 3O may Thy soldiers,faithful, true, and bold,Fight as the saintswho nobly fought of old,And win

422 – Marching to Zion

1Come, we that love the Lord,And let our joys be known;Join in a song with sweet accord,Join in a song with sweet accord,And thus surround the throne,And thus surround the throne. RefrainWe’re marching to Zion,Beautiful, beautiful Zion;We’re marching upward to Zion,The beautiful city of God. 2Let those refuse to singWho never knew our God;But children

423 – Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken

1Glorious things of thee are spoken,Zion, city of our God;He whose word cannot be brokenFormed thee for His own abode;On the Rock of Ages founded,What can shake thy sure repose?With salvation’s wall surrounded,Thou mayest smile at all thy foes. 2See the streams of living watersSpringing from eternal love,Well supply thy sons and daughters,And all fear

424 – For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country

1For thee, O dear country,Mine eyes their vigils keep;For very love beholdingThy holy name, they weep. 2O one, O only mansion!O Paradise of joy!Where tears are ever banish’dAnd smiles have no alloy; 3With jasper glow thy burwarks,Thy streets with emeralds blaze;The sardius and the topazUnite in thee their rays; 4The cross is all thy splendor,The

425 – Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing

1There is singing up in heavensuch as we have never known,Where the angels sing the praisesof the Lamb upon the throne;Their sweet harps are ever tunefuland their voices are always clear,O that we might be more like themwhile we serve the Master here! RefrainHoly, holy, is what the angels sing,And I expect to help them

426 – I Shall See the King

1I shall see the King where the angels sing,I shall see the King some day, in the better land,On that golden strand,And with Him shall ever stay. Refrain:In His glory, I shall see the King,And forever endless praises sing;‘Twas on Calvary Jesus died for me;I shall see the King someday. 2In the land of song,

427 – No Night There

1In the land of fadeless dayLies “the city four-square;”It shall never pass away,And there is “no night there.” RefrainGod shall “wipe away all tears;”There’s no death, no pain, nor fears;And they count not time by years,For there is “no night there.” 2All the gates of pearl are made,In “the city four-square;”All the streets with gold

428 – Sweet By and By

1There’s a land that is fairer than day,And by faith we can see it afar;For the Father waits over the wayTo prepare us a dwelling place there. RefrainIn the sweet in the sweetBy and by by and by,We shall meet on that beautiful shore;In the sweet in the sweetBy and by by and byWe shall

429 – Jerusalem the Golden

1Jerusalem the golden,With milk and honey blest,Beneath thy contemplationSink heart and voice oppressed.I know not, O I know notWhat holy joys are there;What radiancy of glory,What bliss beyond compare. 2They stand, those hall of Zion,All jubilant with song,And bright with many an angel,And all the martyr throng.The Prince is ever in them,The daylight is serene;The

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