430 – Joy By and By

1O there’ll be joy when the work is done,Joy when the reapers gather home,Bringing the sheaves at set of sunTo the New Jerusalem. RefrainJoy, joy, joy, there’ll be joy by and by,Joy, joy, joy, where the joys never die;Joy, joy, joy, for the day draweth nighWhen the workers gather home. 2Sweet are the songs that […]

431 – Over Yonder

1Come let us sing of homeland,Down by the crystal sea;Wonderful land where JesusBuildeth a mansion for me. RefrainOver yonder, down by the crystal sea,down by the crystal sea,Over yonder, there’s where I long to be,There’s where I long to be,No more sorrow, toil, grief, nor care,In the homeland bright and fair,Over, over there.Over there. 2Water

432 – Shall We Gather at the River

1Shall we gather at the river,where bright angel feet have trod,with its crystal tide foreverflowing by the throne of God? RefrainYes, we’ll gather at the river,the beautiful, the beautiful river;gather with the saints at the riverthat flows by the throne of God. 2On the margin of the river,washing up its silver spray,we will walk and

433 – Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand

1Ten thousand times ten thousand,In sparkling raiment bright,The armies of the ransomed saintsThrong up the steeps of light.‘Tis finished, all is finished,Their fight with death and sin.Fling open wide the golden gates,And let the victors in. 2What rush of hallelujahsFills all the earth and sky!The ringing of a thousand harpsProclaims the triumph high.O day for

434 – We Speak of the Realms

1We speak of the realms of the blest,That country so bright and so fair,And oft are its glories confessed-But what must it be to be there!We speak of its pathway of gold-Its walls decked with jewels so rare,Its wonders and pleasures untold-But what must it be to be there! 2We speak of its freedom of

435 – The Glory Song

1When all my labors and trails are o’er,And I am safe on that beautiful shore,Just to be near the Lord I adore,Will through the ages be glory for me. RefrainO that will beO that willGlory for me, Glory for me,Be glory for me, Glory for me,Glory for me; When by His graceGlory for me;I shall

436 – The Homeland

1The homeland! O the homeland!The land of the free born!There’s no night in the homeland,But aye the fadeless morn;I’m sighing for homeland,My heart is aching here;There is no pain in the homelandTo which I’m drawing near;There is no pain in the homelandTo which I’m drawing near. 2My Lord is in the homeland,With angels bright and

437 – I’m Going Home

1My heav’nly home is bright and fair,Nor pain nor death can enter there;It’s glitt’ring tow’rs the sun outshine,That heav’nly mansion shall me mine. RefrainI’m going home, I’m going home,I’m going home to die no more;To die no more; to die no more-I’m going home to die no more. 2My Father’s house is built on high,Far,

438 – You Will See Your Lord A-Coming

1You will see your Lord a-coming,You will see your Lord a-coming,You will see your Lord a-comingIn a few more days. Refrain:Hear the band of music,Hear the band of music,Hear the band of musicwhich is sounding thro’ the air. 2Gabriel sounds his mighty trumpet,Gabriel sounds his mighty trumpet,Gabriel sounds his mighty trumpetIn a few more days.

439 – How Far From Home

1How far from? I asked, as onI bent my steps-the watchman spake:“the long, dark night is almost gone,The morning soon will break.Then weep no more, but speed thy flight,With Hope’s bright star guiding ray,Till thou shalt reach the realms of light,In everlasting days.” 2I asked the warrior on the field;This was his soul-inspiring song:“With courage,

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