450 – Beautiful Zion

1Beautiful Zion, built above,Beautiful city that I love,Beautiful gates of pearly white,Beautiful temple, God its light. 2Beautiful trees forever there,Beautiful fruit they always bear,Beautiful rivers gliding by,Beautiful fountains never dry. 3Beautiful crowns on every brow,Beautiful palms the conquerors show,Beautiful robes the ransomed wear,Beautiful all who enter there. Category EARLY ADVENT Author Anon

451 – Together Let Us Sweetly Live

1Together let us sweetly live,I am bound for the land of Canaan.Together love to Jesus give;I am bound for the land of Canaan. Refrain:O Canaan, bright Canaan,I am bound for the land of Canaan.O Canaan, it is my happy home,I am bound for the land of Canaan. 2Together let us watch and pray;I am bound

452 – What Heavenly Music

1What heavenly music steals over the sea!Entrancing the senses like sweet melody!‘Tis the voice of the angels borne soft on the air;For me they are singing; their welcome I hear. 2On the banks of old Jordan, here gazing I stand,And earnestly longing, I stretch forth my hand;Send a convoy of angels, dear Jesus, I pray!Let

453 – We Have Heard

1We have heard from the bright, the holy, land;We have heard, and our hearts are glad;For we were a lonely pilgrim band,And weary, and worn, and sad.They tell us the saints have a dwelling there-No longer are homeless ones;And we know that the goodly land is fair,Where life’s pure river runs. 2They say green fields

454 – Don’t You See My Jesus Coming

1Don’t you see my Jesus coming,See Him come in yonder cloud?With ten thousand angels round Him,How they do my Jesus crowd! RefrainI am bound for the kingdom,Will you go to glory with me?Hallelujah! O praise ye the Lord! 2Don’t you see the saints ascending,Hear them shouting thro’ the air.Jesus smiling, trumpets sounding,Now His glory they

455 – Immortal Love, Forever Full

1Immortal Love, forever full,Forever flowing free,Forever shared, forever whole,A never ebbing sea! 2We nay not climb the heavenly steepsTo bring the Lord Christ down;In vain we search the lowest deeps,For him no depths can drown. 3But warm, so tender, even yetA present help is He;And faith has still its Olivet,And love its Galilee. 4The healing

456 – My Lord and I

1I have a Friend so precious,So very dear to me,He loves me with such tender love,He loves so faithfully;I could not live apart form Him,I love to feel Him nigh,And so we dwell together,My Lord and I. 2Sometimes I’m faint and weary,He knows that I am weak,And as He bids me lean on Him,His help

457 – I Love to Tell the Story

1I love to tell the storyof unseen things above,of Jesus and his glory,of Jesus and his love.I love to tell the story,because I know ’tis true;it satisfies my longingsas nothing else can do. RefrainI love to tell the story,’twill be my theme in glory,to tell the old, old storyof Jesus and his love. 2I love

458 – More Love to Thee

1More love to thee, O Christ, more love to thee!Hear thou the prayer I make on bended knee.This is my earnest plea: More love, O Christ, to thee;more love to thee, more love to thee! 2Once earthly joy I craved, sought peace and rest;now thee alone I seek, give what is best.This all my prayer

459 – As the Bridegroom to His Chosen

1As the bridegroom to His chosen,As the king to His realm,As the keep unto the castle,As the pilot to the helm,So, Lord, art Thou to me. 2As the fountain in the garden,As the candle in the dark,As the treasure in the coffer,As the manna in the ark,So, Lord, art Thou to me. 3As the ruby

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