569 – Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior

1Pass me not, O gentle Savior,hear my humble cry;while on others thou art calling,do not pass me by. RefrainSavior, Savior, hear my humble cry;while on others thou art calling,do not pass me by. 2Let me at thy throne of mercyfind a sweet relief,kneeling there in deep contrition;help my unbelief. 3Trusting only in thy merit,would I […]

570 – Not I, But Christ

1Not I, but Christ, be honored, loved, exalted;Not I, but Christ, be seen, be known, be heard;Not I, but Christ, in every look and action,Not I, but Christ, in every thought and word. 2Not I, but Christ, to gently soothe in sorrow,Not I, but Christ, to wipe the falling tear;Not I, but Christ, to lift

571 – What Does the Lord Require

1What does the Lord require for praise and offering?What sacrifice, desire or tribute bid you bring?Do justly; Love mercy; Walk humbly with your God. 2Rulers of men, give ear! Should you not justice show?Will God your pleading hear, while crime and cruelty grow?Do justly; Love mercy; Walk humbly with your God. 3How shall our life

572 – Give of Your Best to the Master

1Give of your best to the master,Give of the strength of your youth;Throw your soul’s fresh, glowing ardorInto the battle for truth.Jesus has set the example –Dauntless was He, young and brave;Give Him your loyal devotion,Give Him the best that you have. RefrainGive of your best to the master,Give of the strength of your youth;Clad

573 – I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go

1It may not be on the mountain heightOr over the stormy sea,It may not be at the battle’s frontMy Lord will have need of me.But if, by a still, small voice he callsTo paths that I do not know,I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine;I’ll go where you want me to go. RefrainI’ll

574 – O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee

1O Master, let me walk with theein lowly paths of service free;tell me thy secret; help me bearthe strain of toil, the fret of care. 2Help me the slow of heart to moveby some clear, winning word of love;teach me the wayward feet to stay,and guide them in the homeward way. 3Teach me thy patience;

575 – Let Your Heart Be Broken

1Let your heart be broken for a world in need:Feed the mouths that hunger, soothe the wounds that bleed,Give the cup of water and the loaf of breadBe the hands of Jesus, serving in His stead. 2Here on earth applying principles of love,Visible expression – God still rules aboveLiving illustration of the Living WordTo the

576 – Awake, Awake to Love and Work

1Awake, awake to love and work!The lark is in the sky;The fields are wet with diamond dew;The worlds awake to cryTheir blessings on the Lord of life,As He goes meekly by. 2Come, let thy voice be one with theirs,Shout with their shout of praise;See how the giant sun soars up,Great lord of years and days!So

577 – In the Heart of Jesus

1In the heart of Jesus there is love for you,Love most pure and tender, love most deep and true;Why should you be lonely, why for friendship sigh,When the heart of Jesus has a full supply? 2In the mind of Jesus there is thought for you,Warm as summer sunshine, sweet as morning dew;Why should you be

578 – So Send I You

1So sent I you- by grace made strong to triumphO’er hosts of hell, o’er darkness, death, and sin,My name to bear, and in that name to conquer-So send I you, My victory to win. 2So send I you- to take to souls in bondageThe word of truth that sets the captive free,To break the bonds

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