579 – Tis Love That Makes Us Happy

1‘Tis love that makes us happy,‘Tis love that smooths the way;It helps us mind, it makes us kindTo others every day. RefrainGod is love; we’re his little children.God is love; we would be like Him.‘Tis love that makes us happy,‘Tis love that smooths the way;It helps us “mind,” it makes us kindTo others every day. […]

580 – This Little Light of Mine

1This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine, (shine)This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine, (shine)This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine,Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. 2Every where I go, I’m going to let it shine, (shine)Every where I go,

581 – When the Church of Jesus

1When the church of Jesus shuts its outer door,Lest the roar of traffic drown the voice of prayer:May our prayers, Lord make up ten times more awareThat the world we banish is our Christian care. 2If our hearts are lifted where devotion soarsHigh above this hungry suffering world of ours:Lest our hymns should drug us

582 – Working, O Christ, With Thee

1Working, O Christ, with Thee, working with Thee,Unworthy, sinful, weak, though we may be;Our all to Thee we give, for Thee alone we live,And by Thy grace achieve, working with Thee. 2Along the city’s waste, working with Thee,Our eager footsteps haste, like Thee to be;The poor we gather in, the outcasts raise from sin,And labor

583 – You That Know the Lord

1You that know the Lord is gracious,You for whom a cornerstoneStands, of God elect and precious,Laid that you may build there-on,See that on that sure foundationYou a living temple raise.Towers that may tell forth salvation,Walls that may reech-o praise. 2Living stones by God appointedEach to his allotted place,Kings and priests, by God anointed,Shall you not

584 – There’s a Spirit in the Air

1There’s a Spirit in the air, telling Christians everywhere“Praise the love that Christ revealed, living, working in our world.” 2Lose your shyness, find your tongue; tell the world what God has done:God in Christ has come to stay, we can see His pow’r today. 3When believers break the bread, when a hungry child is fed:Praise

585 – When Christ Was Lifted From the Earth

1When Christ was lifted from the earth His arms stretched out aboveThrough every culture, every birth, to draw an answering love. 2Still east and west His love extends and always, near or far,He calls and claims us as His friends and loves us as we are. 3Where generation, class, or race divides us to our

586 – What Joy It Is to Worship Here

1What joy it is to worship here,And find ourselves at home,Where God, who uses every gift,Has room for all who come! 2Yet are no two of us alikeOf all the human race,And we must seek a common groundIf we would share His grace. Category CHRISTIAN LIFE Subcategory Love for One Another

587 – In Christ There Is No East nor West

1In Christ there is no east nor west,In Him no south or north;But one great fellowship of loveThroughout the whole wide earth. 2In Him shall true heart everywhereTheir high communion find;His service is the golden cordClose binding all mankind. 3Join hands, then, brothers of the faith,Whate’er your race may be.Who serves my Father as a

588 – Lord of All Nations

1Lord of all nations, grant me graceTo love all people, every race,And in each person may I seeMy kindred loved, redeemed by Thee. 2Break down the wall that would divideThy children, Lord, on every side.My neighbor’s good let me pursue;Let Christian love bind warm and true. 3Forgive me, Lord, where I have erredBy loveless act

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