619 – Lead On, O King Eternal

1Lead on, O King eternal,the day of march has come;henceforth in fields of conquestthy tents shall be our home.Through days of preparationthy grace has made us strong;and now, O King eternal,we lift our battle song. 2Lead on, O King eternal,till sin’s fierce war shall cease,and holiness shall whisperthe sweet amen of peace.For not with swords […]

620 – On Jordan’s Stormy Banks

1On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand,And cast a wishful eyeTo Canaan’s fair and happy land,Where my possessions lie.I am bound for the promised land,I am bound for the promised land;O who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land. 2O’er all those wide extended plainShines one eternal day;There, Christ, the

621 – Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children

1Gracious Father, guard Thy childrenFrom the foe’s destructive power;Save, O save them, Lord, from fallingIn this dark and trying hour.Thou wilt surely prove Thy people,All our graces must be tried;But Thy word illumes our pathway,And in God we still confide. 2We are in the time of waiting;Soon we shall behold our Lord,Wafted far away from

622 – Come, Come, Ye Saints

1Come, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor fear;But with joy wend your way. Though hard to you the journey may appear,Grace shall be as your day.We will have a living lord to guide,And we can trust Him to provide;Do this, and joy your hearts will swell:All is well! All is well! 2We’ll find the

623 – I Will Follow Thee

1I will follow Thee, my Savior,Wheresoe’er my lot may be.Where thou goest I will follow;Yes, my Lord, I’ll follow Thee. RefrainI will follow Thee, my Saviour,Thou didst shed Thy blood for me;And though all men should forsake Thee;By Thy grace I’ll follow Thee. 2Though the road be rough and thorny,Trackless as the foaming sea,Thou hast

624 – I Want Jesus to Walk With Me

1I want Jesus to walk with me.(walk with me)I want Jesus to walk with me.(walk with me)All along my pilgrim journey,I want Jesus to walk with me.(walk with me) 2In my trials, Lord walk with me.(walk with me)In my trials, Lord walk with me.(walk with me)When the shades of life are falling, I want Jesus

625 – Higher Ground

1I’m pressing on the upward way,New heights I’m gaining every day;Still praying as I’m onward bound,“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.” RefrainLord, lift me up and let me stand,By faith, on Heaven’s table land,A higher plane than I have found;Lord, plant my feet on higher ground. 2My heart has no desire to stayWhere doubts

626 – In a Little While We’re Going Home

1Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way,In a little while we’re going home.For the night will end in the everlasting day,In a little while we’re going home. RefrainIn a little while, In a little while,We shall cross the billow’s foam;We shall meet at last, When the stormy winds are past,In

627 – Jacob’s Ladder

1We are climbing Jacob’s ladder,We are climbing Jacob’s ladder,We are climbing Jacob’s ladder,Soldiers of the cross. 2Every round goes higher, higher,Every round goes higher, higher,Every round goes higher, higher,Soldiers of the cross. 3Sinner, do you love my Jesus?Sinner, do you love my Jesus?Sinner, do you love my Jesus?Soldiers of the cross. 4If you love him,

628 – As Jacob With Travel Was Weary

1As Jacob with travel was weary one day,At night on a stone for a pillow he lay;He saw in a vision a ladder so highThat its foot was on earth and its top in the sky. RefrainAlleluia to Jesus who died on the tree,And has raised up a ladder of mercy for me,And has raised

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