629 – O Happy Band of Pilgrims

1O happy band of pilgrims,If onward ye will treadWith Jesus as your fellow,To Jesus as your Head! 2O happy if ye laborAs Jesus did for men;O happy if ye hungerAs Jesus hungered then! 3The trials that beset you,The sorrows ye endure,The manifold temptationsThat death alone can cure, 4What are they but His jewelsOf right celestial […]

630 – Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings

1Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, thy better portion trace;Rise from transitory things toward heaven, thy native place;Sun, and moon, and stars decay; time shall soon this earth remove;Rise, my soul, and haste away to seats prepared above. 2Rivers to the ocean run, nor stay in all their course;Fire ascending seeks the sun; both

631 – When on Life a Darkness Falls

1When on life a darkness falls,When the mist flows chilling,Paths and sign posts lost in doubt,Loveless, unfulfilling,Reach us, Jesus, from Your cross,Though we feel forsaken;Keep us through the aching night Till new dawns awaken. 2When the dreams and vows of youthPainfully accuse us,Stab our conscience, steal our worth,Christ will not refuse us:Peace the world cannot

632 – Until Then

1My heart can sing when I pause to remember,A heartache here is but a stepping stone.Along a trail, thats winding always upward,This troubled world, is not my final home. RefrainBut until then, my heart will go on singing,Until then, with joy I’ll carry on,Until the day my eyes behold the city,Until the day God calls

633 – When We All Get to Heaven

1Sing the wondrous love of Jesus;Sing his mercy and his grace.In the mansions bright and blessedHe’ll prepare for us a place. RefrainWhen we all get to heaven,What a day of rejoicing that will be!When we all see Jesus,We’ll sing and shout the victory! 2While we walk the pilgrim pathway,Clouds will overspread the sky;But when traveling

634 – Come, All Christians, Be Committed

1Come, all Christians, be committedTo the service of the lord;Make your lives for him more fitted,Tune your hearts with one accord.Come into His courts with gladness,Each his sacred vows renew,Turn away from sin and sadness,Be transformed with life anew. 2Of your time and talents give ye,They are gifts from God above;To be used by Christians

635 – Lord of All Good

1Lord of all good, our gifts we bring You now;Use them Your holy purpose to fulfill.Tokens of love and pledges they shall beThat our whole life is offered to Your will. 2We give our minds to understand Your ways;Hands, voices, eyes to serve Your great design;Hearts with the flame of your own love ablaze:Thus for

636 – God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending

1God, whose giving knows no ending,From Your rich and endless store:Nature’s wonder, Jesus’ wisdom,Costly cross, grave’s shattered door.Gifted by You, we turn to You,Off’ring up ourselves in praise:Thankful song shall rise forever,Gracious donor of our days. 2Skills and time are ours for pressingToward the goals of Christ, Your Son:All at peace in health and freedom,Races

637 – Son of God, Eternal Savior

1Son of God, eternal Savior,Source of life and truth and grace,Work made flesh, whose birth among usHallows all our human race,You our head, who throned in glory,For Your own will ever plead:Fill us with Your love and pity,Heal our wrongs, and help our need. 2Bind us all as one togetherIn Your church’s sacred fold,Weak and

638 – The Wise May Bring Their Learning

1wise may bring their learning,The rich may bring their wealth,And some may bring their greatness,And some their strength and health:We too would bring our treasuresTo offer to the King,We have no wealth or learning—What shall we children bring? 2We’ll bring Him hearts that love Him,We’ll bring Him thankful praise,And young souls meekly strivingTo follow in

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