649 – Lord, While for All Mankind We Pray

1Lord, while for all mankind we prayOf every clime and coast,O hear us for our native land,The land we love the most! 2O guard our shores from every foe,With peace our borders bless;With prosperous times our cities crown,Our fields with plenteousness! 3Unite us in the sacred loveOf knowledge, truth, and Thee;And let our hills and […]

650 – Our Father, by Whose Name

1Our Father,by whose name, All fatherhood is known,Who dost in love proclaimEach family Thine own,Bless Thou all parents,guarding well,With constant love as sentinel,The homes in which Thy people dwell.2O Christ,Thyself a childWithin an earthly home, With heart still undefiled, Thou didst to manhood come;Our children bless, in every place,That they may all behold Thy face,And

651 – Happy the Home That Welcomes You

1Happy the home that welcomes You, Lord Jesus,Truest of friends, most honored guest of all,Where hearts and eyes are bright with joy to greet You,Your lightest wishes eager to fulfill. 2Happy the home where men and wife togetherAre of one mind believing in Your love:Through love and pain, prosperity and hardship,Through good and evil days

652 – Love at Home

1There is beauty all around, When there’s love at home;There is joy in every sound, When there’s love at home.Peace and plenty here abide, Smiling fair on every side;Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there’s love at home. RefrainLove at home, love at home;Time doth softly, sweetly glide,When there’s love at home. 2Kindly heaven smiles

653 – Lead Them, My God, to Thee

1Lead them, my God, to Thee, Lead them to Thee,These children dear of mine, Thou gavest me;O, by Thy love divine, Lead them, my God, to Thee;Lead them, my God, to Thee, Lead them to Thee. 2When earth looks bright and fair, Festive and gay,Let no delusive snare Lure them astray;But from temptation’s power, Lead

654 – Lord, Bless Our Homes

1Lord, bless our homes with peace and love and laughter,With understanding and with loyalty.May we together follow Christ the MasterAnd know the blessing of His sov’reignty. 2May every heart receive His loving spiritAnd know the t4ruth that makes life truly free;Then, in that spirit may we live united,And find in God our deep security. 3Forgive

655 – Happy the Home

1Happy the home when God is there,and love fills every breast;when one their wish, and one their prayer,and one their heavenly rest. 2Happy the home where Jesus’ nameis sweet to every ear;where children early speak his fame,and parents hold him dear. 3Happy the home where prayer is heard,and praise is wont to rise;where parents love

656 – O Perfect Love

1O perfect Love, all human thought transcending,lowly we kneel in prayer before thy throne,that theirs may be the love which knows no ending,whom thou forevermore dost join in one. 2O perfect Life, be thou their full assuranceof tender charity and steadfast faith,of patient hope and quiet, brave endurance,with childlike trust that fears nor pain nor

657 – O God, From Whom Mankind

1O God from whom mankind derives its name;Whose covenant of grace remains the same,Be with these two who now before You wait;Enlarge the love they come to consecrate. 2May through their union other lives be blessed;Their door be wide to stranger and to guest,Give them the understanding that is kind,Grant them the blessing of an

658 – Heavenly Father, Hear Our Prayer

1Heav’nly Father, hear our prayerAs we bow before You:Bless them in the life they share,Humble we implore You.Be their guide in all endeavors,Be their hope that nothing severs;Constant source of love divine,Let Your love within them shine! 2As they pledge their love this dayHere before Your altar,May their hearts,, upon You stayed,Never fail or falter.Be

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