659 – May the Grace of Christ Our Savior

1May the grace of Christ our SaviorAnd the Father’s boundless love,With the Holy Spirit’s favor,Rest upon them from above. 2Thus may they abide in unionWith each other and the Lord,And possess, in sweet communion,Joys which earth cannot afford. Category CHRISTIAN HOME Subcategory Marriage

660 – Glory Be to the Father

Glory be to the Father,and to the Son,and to the Holy Ghost;As it was in the beginning,is now, and ever shall be,world without end.Amen, Amen. Category SENTENCES AND RESPONSES Author Anon

661 – Holy, Holy, Holy

1Holy, holy, holy, Holy is the Lord!Holy, holy, holy, Holy is our God!He who always liveth, Evermore the sameHeav’n and earth He ruleth, Come and praise His name! 2Holy, holy, holy, Holy is the Lord!Holy, holy, holy, Holy is our God!Glorious adn beloved Is the One adored!Holy, holy, holy, Holy is the Lord. Category SENTENCES

662 – Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

Let all mortal flesh keep silence,And with fear and trembling stand;Ponder nothing earthly-minded,For with blessing in his hand,Christ our God to earth descendeth,Our full homage to demand. Amen. Category SENTENCES AND RESPONSES

663 – Amens

1A-men, A—men. 2A—–men. 3A—men. 4A—men, (A-men.) 5A—–men. 6A-men, A-men, A—men. Category SENTENCES AND RESPONSES

664 – Sevenfold Amen

A-men,A-men,A—men,A—–men,A—–men,A—–men,A-men. Category SENTENCES AND RESPONSES

666 – Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord

Cast thy burden upon the Lord,And He shall sustain thee;He never will suffer the righteous to fall;He is at thy right hand.Thy mercy, Lord, is great, and far above the heavens;Let none be made ashamed, that wait upon Thee. Category SENTENCES AND RESPONSES

668 – O Thou Who Hearest

O Thou who hearest every heartfelt prayer,With Thy rich grace, Lord, all our hearts prepare;Thou art our life, Thou art our love and light,O let this Sabbath hour with Him be bright. Amen. Category SENTENCES AND RESPONSES Author Anon

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