060 – Blessed Jesus at Thy Word

1Blessed Jesus, at Thy word,We have gathered all to hear Thee;By Thy word our hearts were stirred,Now to seek and love and fear Thee.By Thy teachings sweet and holy,Let us learn to love Thee solely. 2All our knowledge, sense, and sight,Lie in deepest darkness shrouded;Till Thy Spirit breaks our night,With His beams of truth unclouded.He […]

061 – God Is Here!

1God is here as we his peoplemeet to offer praise and prayer,may we find in fuller measurewhat it is in Christ we share.Here, as in the world around us,all our varied skills and artswait the coming of his Spiritinto open minds and hearts. 2Here are symbols to remind usof our lifelong need of grace;here are

062 – How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place

1How lovely is Thy dwelling place,O Lord of hosts to me!The tabenacles of Thy graceHow pleasant, Lord, they be! 2My thirsty soul longs ardently,Yea, faints Thy courts to see;My very heart and flesh cry out,O living God, for Thee. 3Behold the sparrow findeth outA house where-in to rest;The swallow also, for herselfProvided hath a nest.

063 – O Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord

1O come, let us sing to the Lord,Come let us every oneA joyful noise make to the RockOf our salvation. 2Let us before His presence comeWith glad and thankful voice;Let us sing psalms of praise to Him,And make a joyful noise. 3For God, a great God and great King,Above all gods, He is;The depths of

064 – Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing

1Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing;fill our hearts with joy and peace;let us each, thy love possessing,triumph in redeeming grace.O refresh us, O refresh us,traveling through this wilderness. 2Thanks we give and adorationfor thy gospel’s joyful sound.May the fruits of thy salvationin our hearts and lives abound;ever faithful, ever faithfulto the truth may we be

065 – God Be With You

1God be with you till we meet again;By His counsels guide, uphold you,With His sheep securely fold you;God be with you till we meet again. RefrainTill we meet, till we meet,Till we meet at Jesus’ feet;Till we meet, till we meet,God be with you till we meet again. 2God be with you till we meet

066 – God Be With You

1God be with you till we meet again;By His counsels guide, uphold you,With His sheep securely fold you:God be with you till we meet again. 2God be with you till we meet again;Neath His wings securely hide you,Daily manna still provide you:God be with you till we meet again. 3God be with you till we

067 – O Lord, Now Let Your Servant

1O Lord, now let Your servantDepart in heav’nly peace,For I have seen the gloryOf Your redeeming grace:A light to lead the GentilesUnto Your holy hill,The glory of Your people,Your chosen Israel. 2Then grant that I may follow Your gleam,O glorious Light,Till earthly shadows scatter,And faith is changed to sight;Till raptured saints shall gatherUpon that shining

068 – On Our Way Rejoicing

1On our way rejoicingGladly let us go;Conquer’d hath our Leader,Vanquish’d is the foe.Christ without, our safety;Christ within, our joy;Who, if we be faithful,Can our hope destroy? RefrainOn our way rejoicingAs we forward move,Hearken to our praises,O blest God of love! 2Unto God the FatherJoyful songs we sing,Unto God the SaviorThankful hearts we bring,Unto God the

069 – Lord, Make Us More Holy

1Lord, make us more holy;Lord, make us more holy;Lord, make us more holyUntil we meet again. 2Lord, make us more faithful;Lord, make us more faithful;Lord, make us more faithfulUntil we meet again. 3Lord, make us more humble;Lord, make us more humble;Lord, make us more humbleUntil we meet again. 4Lord, make us more loving;Lord, make us

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