070 – Praise Ye the Father

1Praise ye the Father for His loving kindness,Tenderly cares He for His erring children;Praise Him, ye angels, praise Him in the heavens;Praise ye Jehovah! 2Praise ye the Savior, great is the compassion,Graciously cares He for His chosen people;Young men and maidens, ye old men and children,Praise ye the Savior! 3Praise ye the Spirit, comforter of […]

071 – Come Thou Almighty King

1Come, Thou almighty King,Help us Thy name to sing,Help us to praise!Father all glorious,O’er all victorious,Come, and reign over us,Ancient of Days! 2Come, Thou incarnate Word,Gird on Thy mighty sword,Our prayer attend;Come, and Thy people bless,And give Thy Word success;Spirit of holiness,On us descend! 3Come, holy Comforter,Thy sacred witness bear,In this glad hour:Thou who almighty

072 – Creator of the Stars of Night

1Creator of the stars of night,Thy people’s everlasting light,O Christ, Thou Saviour of us all,We pray Thee, hear us when we call. 2At the great name of Jesus, nowAll knees must bend, all hearts must bow;And things celestial Thee shall own,And things terrestrial, Lord alone. 3To God the Father, God the Son,And God the Spirit,

073 – Holy Holy Holy

1Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!God in three persons, blessed Trinity! 2Holy, holy, holy! Angels adore Thee,Casting down their bright crowns around the glassy sea;Thousands and ten thousands worship low before Thee,Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be. 3Holy, holy,

074 – Like a River Glorious

1Like a river glorious, is God’s perfect peace,Over all victorious, in its bright increase;Perfect, yet it floweth, fuller every day,Perfect, yet it groweth, deeper all the way. RefrainStayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blessedFinding, as He promised, perfect peace and rest. 2Hidden in the hollow of His blessed hand,Never foe can follow, never traitor stand;Not

075 – The Wonder of It All

1There’s the wonder of sunset at evening,The wonder as sunrise I see;But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soulIs the wonder that God loves me. RefrainO, the wonder of it all!The wonder of it all!Just to think that God loves me.O, the wonder of it all!The wonder of it all!Just to think that God

076 – O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go

1O Love that wilt not let me go,I rest my weary soul in thee;I give thee back the life I owe,that in thine ocean depthsits flow may richer, fuller be. 2O Light that followest all my way,I yield my flickering torch to thee;my heart restores its borrowed ray,that in they sunshine’s blazeits day may brighter,

077 – O Love of God Most Full

1O love of God most full,O love of God most free,Come warm my heart, come fill my soul,Come lead me unto Thee. 2Warm as the glowing sunSo shines Thy love on me,It wraps me ‘round with kindly care,It draws me unto Thee. 3The wildest sea is calm,The tempest brings no fear,The darkest night is full

078 – For God So Loved Us

1For God so loved us,He sent the Savior:For God so loved us,and loves me too. RefrainLove so unending!I’ll sing His praises,God loves His children,loves even me. 2He sent the Savior,the blest Redeemer;He sent the Saviorto set me free. 3He bade me welcome,O word of mercy;He bade me welcome,O voice divine. 4Glory and honor,O Love eternal,To

079 – O Love of God, How Strong and True!

1O love of God, how strong and true!Eternal, and yet ever new;Uncomprehended and unbought,Beyond all knowledge and all thought. 2O love of God, how deep and great,Far deeper than man’s deepest hate;Self-fed, self-kindled like the light,Changeless, eternal, infinite. 3We read thee best in Him who camTo bear for us the cross of shame;Sent by the

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